Download Youtube Videos using VLC Media Player

 This post explains how to download YouTube Video using VLC Media Player without other Software this method is very simple to use and easy. I hope you installed VLC Media Player if not download the VLC media player from this link.Let's see how to download YouTube Videos.

Create Startup Program using C#

 This post shows how to launch your application on system startup using few lines of codes in C#.Launching your application at windows start up is useful for checking updates etc.Create a new windows form application and design a form as shown below.

Hide Application using C#

Hi this post show how to to hide your C# Application in system tray.To hide your program in system tray you need "notifyicon" control from toolbox.Create a new windows application and design a form like this

Share Files between Pc and android using Es File Explorer

In this post we are going to see how to "Share Files between Pc and Android using Es File Explorer" 
without any other app. split this tutorial into two parts

Customize your Start Menu Style in Windows 10

Windows 10 comes with different start menu styles one is classic windows style like in windows 7 another start menu style is like windows 10.You can switch between two styles using some simple method.

Easily Share Files from Android to Pc using Es File Explorer

Es File Explorer is one of the popular file explorer in Android Platform and it’s free to download and use. Es File Explorer has more interesting features this post explains one of the useful feature in Es file explorer to share files from Android to Pc without another other app. I Hope you already downloaded and installed Es File Explorer. Let’s Start

Task Scheduler in C#

This post show how to create a simple task scheduler in C#.The program takes input(hours,minutes) from the user and display a message box at a specific time(Input Time).Create a new C# Windows Form Project in Visual studio.

How to Set default Homepage in Firefox and Chrome

This post shows method to set default homepage.  When we open a browser first thing we do is we go search engine site like "","",..To set default homepage for popular browsers like "Firefox","Chrome" follow these steps.

Text to Speech in C#

This post explains how to create a text to speech application in c#. For this first you need to add "System.speech” references to your project.Create a new windows from application

Enable Hibernate in Windows 10

To enable "Hibernate" option in windows follow to list steps.Open your control panel and the Click on "Hardware and Sound"

Send Email from c#

This post shows how to send email from C# using various protocols available in the .Net framework.The System.Net and System.Net.Sockets are the two namespaces used for managed implementation of internet protocols that application can use to send and receive data over the internet.

Save Command prompt Output in Notepad

Hi sometimes we want to save the output of the command prompt to a text file. This post shows “how to save output to text file from command prompt”. Let’s see how to do this in step by step.

Reset your "Windows 10" Pc

This post shows how to reset your without reinstalling your operating system in windows 10. Unlike Windows 7 windows 10 provides options to completely reset your PC to a previous state. Let’s see how to do it.

How to Send Self Destructing message in Facebook Messenger

Facebook is one of the largest messaging app. It introduces new feature to protect messages called "Secret Conversation" with help of this feature, you can send self deletion "secret message" to your friends. The "Secret Conversation" feature is available only of facebook messenger app and it is not available for desktop or windows phone

How to Disable Whatsapp Auto Download

WhatsApp auto download image and videos options may kill your data and battery life sometimes. You enable auto download ON/OFF based upon on the internet connection by setting few commands.

How to Set a Cutoff limit to Auto Stop Mobile data on Android Phone

This is one of the useful method to maintain your data balance and avoid being charged by network provider for using extra data.Now let’s set the cutoff limit to auto stop mobile data on android phone.

Control Pc With Android Via Bluetooth Or WiFi

Today I will show you how to control your pc using Android App.These apps are useful in presentation while watching movies,browsing internet,Copying files,Checking downloads.

How to Hide Profile Picture on WhatsApp?

This blog explains about "hiding profile picture on WhatsApp". WhatsApp Messenger privacy setting provides flexibility to limit access among the different user groups for "Last Seen", "Profile Picture","Status".To access these option